Portable. Powerful. Healthy.

Blendemm makes it easy to stick to healthy eating habits. Start your day with nutrients essential for your overall health and well-being. Create your own recipe and own the day!

Healthy Living

Many of us have difficulty consuming enough vitamins to meet our daily nutritional requirements.

Blending a smoothie with Blendemm allows you to easily incorporate fruits and vegetables into your diet and effortlessly hit your health targets every day!

Daily Wellness Companion

A bottle that can be transformed into a blender anytime and anywhere.

Prioritise your health and well-being by staying hydrated with water and nutritious foods.

Stay on track!

Whether it's a fitness goal or a health goal, it's easy to veer off course. Blendemm keeps you on track in your self-care journey by prioritising hydration and nourishment.

Guide to a Healthy Smoothie!

What people are saying about our Bottle Blenders

"Ever since I got this Bottle Blender from Blendemm, I stopped buying drinks from drinks stalls as I just DIY my own smoothie that is my own unique recipe to my own liking and taste! Not only do I consume more nutrition, I have also saved so much money!"

Ian T.

"This is a game changing bottle! I have been using it everyday to blend my favorite drinks and I am so happy with it! I highly recommend!"

Gladys P.

"Blendemm's bottle blender has been my life savior for my hydration needs. It helped with my dietary habits as I find myself hydrating myself more now! When I'm not making a smoothie, I just use it as my daily bottle."

Nathis W.

"This blender is AMAZING! I no longer shake my protein shake. But now I am blending my protein powder with other ingredients such as bananas, milk, honey, peanut butter and it tastes AMAZING!"

Kelvin P.

"I bought this for my dad and he is now more active than ever! He brings this to do his morning runs and make a nutrition-packed drink every time before he runs. I am so grateful for Blendemm as this has fueled his run and is healthier every single day!"

Ben Y.

"Best product I have bought. It helped me with my health & fitness goals. Whenever I am feeling hungry, I blend a nutrition packed drink like a banana peanut butter milkshake and it keeps me full. And now I don't binge eat anymore!"

Chloe L.
